"A stupid idea is not enought, it also needs to be implemented..."

Rafal N.


The grey reef shark or gray reef shark - Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos 
A common shark in the Indo-Pacific and Red Sea region. It is often seen by divers on shallow coral reefs, especially near steep slopes. They are not aggressive towards humans, they are curious rather, and this causes they frequently swim up and look at divers. Gray Reef Sharks are currently listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List, and their global populations are declining . These animals are an important part of the coral reef ecosystem. A significant portion of their diet consists of smaller predators, which in turn are a threat to reef fish. Thanks to sharks, therefore, there is a balance in the food chain.


And what will happen in the Great World in 2025?

12-17.01.2025  Hong Kong SAR, China
Deep Sea Biology Symposium
htt ps://17dsbs.hkust .edu.hk/

The 17DSBS aims to bring together experts from around the world who have strong interest in deep-sea biological science, biodiversity conservation, deep-sea environmental policy and management for better protection of deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystems.

01-04.04.2025  Mobile, Alabama, USA
53nd Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting
ht tps://bem.disl.edu/ bem2025.html

Benthic Ecology Meeting Society (BEM S)  is a non-profit organization established to run a yearly meeting to exchange scientific information focusing on marine benthic ecosystems (e.g., rocky intertidal, coral reef) and to foster the next generation of benthic biologists.

02-06.06.2025  San Juan, Puerto Rico
Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) Conference
http ://amlc-carib. org/2025-amlc-meeting

The AMLC 41st scientific meeting is open to everyone, including students, scientists, and stakeholders, with an interest in marine science and policy in the wider Caribbean region. By bringing together participants from a broad collection of geographic and scientific specialties, the meeting provides a setting for the synthesis of new ideas, discoveries, and techniques; and serves to expand regional and interdisciplinary collaborations throughout the wider Caribbean region.

09-13.06.2025  Nice, France
UN Ocean Conference 2025
htt ps://sdgs.un.org/conferences/ocean2025

The overarching theme of the UN Conference is “Accelerating action and mobilizing all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean”. The Conference aims to support further and urgent action to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development and identify further ways and means to support the implementation of SDG 14 (Sustainable Development Goal 14). It will build on existing instruments to form successful partnerships towards the swift conclusion and effective implementation of ongoing processes that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean.


This animal, discovered in 1993 and called the “sea sheep,” is a unique snail (Costasiella kuroshimae). The size of an adult is just 5mm, it lives in tropical climates, inhabiting waters near Japan, Indonesia and Philippines. In addition to being cute, it has another incredible property. It feeds on algae, parts of which - chloroplasts - it absorbs and uses for a short time as its own, which is called kleptoplasty (a type of symbiosis). This allows sea sheep to obtain energy from photosynthesis. Which makes it a solar-powered snail. Marine, natural photovoltaics!


“Lionfish” or 'Firefish', a fish of the Scorpenidae family. Beautiful and dangerous, it has venomous spines. A predator that hunts near hard bottom, usually near coral reefs. It displaces other fish species and, although it does not destroy corals directly, it indirectly contributes to environmental degradation. However, it has tasty meat, so we suggest, if you have the opportunity, to eat “lionfish ceviche” - Do it. The seacoast restaurants are serving this delicious dish more and more often. Or maybe you can prepare it yourself ? Here is a link to how to prepare “ceviche”. https://kukbuk.pl/artykuly/jak-zrobic-ceviche/


Red coral (Corallium rubrum), also called precious coral. One of the most recognizable coral species.
Reef-forming coral (Madrepora coral).


12-13.10.2024 - Piechcin, Poland
Diving in the flooded quarry Piechcin
GPS: 52°48.894'N 18°01.729'E ( near Bydgoszcz, Poland)

and another scientist with a pass to the underwater world - we are very happy because Dr. Magdalena is a CRRC member and she has just passed the OWD (Open Water Diver) exam! CONGRATULATIONS!


Acropora ECHINATA. Hard coral, demanding, difficult to maintain. Can be found on shallow, tropical, sheltered reefs in marine environments, at depths between 8 and 25 m.


Candy Apple Pink Zoanthus are soft corals belonging to the Zoanthidae family, commonly called Zoanthus
Quite easy to keep in an aquarium. They look beautiful with proper lighting.


21.09.2024   Kierskie Lake - Poznań, Poland
Underwater cleaning during the finale of the 31st Clean Up the World Campaign - Poland!
https://naszaziemia.pl /2024/10/18/wielki-final-31-akcji-sprzatanie-swiata-polska/

This time we were diving during the second day of the Clean Up the World - Poland finale in the city of Poznań.Together with the Poznań Sports and Recreation Centre, the Perfect Diver Magazine, the Kierskie Lake Water Protection Company and about 100 volunteer divers, we cleaned up the beautiful and charming Kierskie Lake. You can see what we found at the bottom in the photos. Attached some pictures from the event too.  More about the campaign in the link.


13.09.2024  Poznan, Poland
Official birthday of the CRRC Foundation!!!

Notarial deed signed :) 
§ 5 [Implementation of the objectives of the Foundation].
1. The Foundation shall achieve its objectives by:
2) Design and production of artificial reef elements. Organization of their transportation, sinking and installation on the bottom of the sea floor with the participation of divers, using specialized vehicles and vessels, ensuring safe transportation of structures, equipment and people.

3) Acquisition of corals and their gametes from various regions of the world and breeding of cross-breeds of particular species. Live coral fragments will also be used for vegetative propagation. The process of coral growth, evaluation and selection will use AI (artificial intelligence). The grown individuals will be transplanted to the artificial reef or remain in the laboratory for further reproduction.
4) The construction of a training and research center, starting with the purchase of a plot of land and the execution of a construction project, taking into account modern, environmentally friendly technical solutions such as photovoltaics, wind turbines and seawater desalination systems.
8) Conducting scientific, research and innovation activities…


 02-05.07.2024 Naples, Italy
 European Coral Reef Symposium = ECRS 2024   https://ecrs2024.eu/

The ECRS is held every four years and hosted in European countries on a rotation basis by the European Chapter of the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS). In this edition of the ECRS, the energy of the participants was focused on bridging the knowledge gaps between tropical, temperate and cold-water coral reefs.
Unfortunately, t his time we did not participate, not yet... The next conference will be held in 2028, but the location of the event will be known only in early 2025...

March 2022  Tenerife, Espania.

I'm sitting on the rocks on the ocean shore and watching the waves crashing on the shore. 
- If there was a reef here, these waves wouldn't be there, or they would be smaller - I thought - maybe I'll plant it here.
I laughed about it then, but the seed had been sown.
