To make the world beautiful and full of life.
The CRRC Foundation is a non-governmental organization acting for the coral reef ecosystem.
This is how the reefs looked 15 years
colourful, full of life.
Today, AI generates these synthetic
And today, more and more often, the reefs look like sad, cold, quiet places...
haunted by ghost...
(Photos provided thanks to "")
and a little bit of facts ...
Coral reefs occupy only about 0.1 % of the surface of the worlds ocean area, but they are among the most important ecosystems that exist on Earth. They directly or indirectly affect people lives: generate income, as natural barriers protect coastlines, produce food… They are diverse, beautifully coloured, highly productive and very valuable. Approximately 25% of all marine species depend on coral reefs to varying degrees, and the complex interactions between the micro- and macro-organisms living on a reef amaze and inspire … Meanwhile, we have all been watching the degradation of this underwater environment for many years. What is worrying is the speed with which thousands of hectares of this underwater jungle are dying out, And life in the oceans is slowly dying out.
Therefore, we decided to act…
CRRC is a group of people who want to change the world, more precisely, a piece of this underwater one. The years of youth are behind us, but we have experience, knowledge, ideas, determination and we are not afraid of challenges. A team of divers, informaticians, scientists, engineers; with knowledge of the operation and financing of non-profit organisations; and privately, just a group of people with passion. We are determined to sacrifice our time, current careers, money and comforts. The most important thing for us now is to do something good for nature and future generations. Or maybe just to silence our human consciences...? We were wondering how we could help the corals and an idea appeared - we want to create a friendly environment for them, such a new home as close to Europe as possible. After analysis, we choiced the coast of the Canary Islands. The right level of salinity, water pH, stable temperature. This is an ideal place for our project, “forced migration of coral reefs”. Of course, we have to find an area on the sidelines, away from hotels, tourists and all this chaos. We want to create artificial reef skeletons, mount them on the ocean floor and colonise with corals, at the same time creating places for fish to grow and also habitats for other species of sea creatures. We want to create small self-sustaining ecosystems. Our big dream is to create a coral development research centre in the future, with the goal of increasing coral resilience and growth rate. These difficult challenges will be realised in cooperation with other organisations, scientific communities and centres with a similar profile to our foundation.
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